German:Schwarzer Mulmkäfer
Location:Austria, Niederösterreich, Petronell-Carnuntum
Copyright:Per Hoffmann Olsen
Camera:Canon EOS 30D
Lens:Sigma 150mm 1:2.8 APO Macro

Did you know?: This beetle lives in and on dead trunks of the Populus nigra or P. x canadensis.

In the European Red List of Saproxylic Beetles the C. elateroides is marked "VU" for Vulnerable.

Vulnerable is the lowest level of the Threatened Categories. "EN" (Endangered) and "CR" (Critical Endagered) are above.

What does Saproxylic mean?

Saproxylic beetles are dependent on dead or decaying wood in a least some stage of their life. They could also just be dependent on other organisms that are themselves dependent on dead wood.

Cerophytum elateroides

Identification Link: