One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you.
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Orthetrum coerulescens
Phyllobius pyri
Echinodera hypocrita
Phyllobius glaucus
Echinodera hypocrita (2)
Anthribus nebulosus
Lepyrus armatus
Hylobius abietis
Otiorhynchus morio (2)
Otiorhynchus coecus
Magdalis frontalis
Curculio venosus
Curculio pellitus
Plagionotus floralis
Cordulegaster bidentata (5)
Somatochlora metallica
Aegomorphus clavipes
Aegomorphus clavipes
Monochamus sartor
Vadonia unipunctata
Dorcadion aethiops
Oxymirus cursor
Anastrangalia sanguinolenta
Cerambyx cerdo
Cerambyx cerdo
Cerambyx cerdo
Plagionotus detritus
Tachina fera
Hemipenthes morio
Hemipenthes maura
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