One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you.
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Hemipenthes morio (2)
Hemipenthes maura (2)
Villa hottentotta
Cercopis sanguinolenta (2)
Cercopis vulnerata
Carabus irregularis
Aeshna isoceles
Polypogon tentacularia
Ptilodon cucullina
Acontia trabealis
Coenagrion pulchellum
Aricia agestis (2)
Holcostethus sphacelatus
Ctenicera virens
Empis tessellata
Platystoma seminationis
Callopistromyia annulipes
Conops flavipes (2)
Bombylius major
Exoprosopa jacchus
Bombylella atra
Anthrax anthrax
Thomisus onustus
Misumena vatia (5)
Phytoecia affinis
Stenurella nigra
Stenopterus rufus
Cortodera femorata
Stictoleptura rubra
Stictoleptura rubra
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