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Baccha elongata
Syrphidae sp.
Ctenophora ornata
Hybomitra sp.
Syrphidae sp.
Xyphosia miliaria
Dictenidia bimaculata
Callopistromyia annulipes
Sphaerophoria sp.
Clitellaria ephippium
Episyrphus balteatus
Empis sp.
Actina chalybea
Otites sp.
Otites sp.
Triarthria setipennis
Bibio pomonae
Bibio marci
Epistrophella euchroma
Bombylius major
Platycheirus sp.
Melinda sp.
Bibio sp.
Syrphini sp.
Platycheirus sp.
Epistrophe eligans
Syrphini sp.
Achyrolimonia decemmaculata
Bombylius major
Baccha elongata
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