One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you.
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Neoclytus acuminatus
Agapanthia cardui
Agapanthia cardui
Phytoecia affinis
Phytoecia cylindrica
Phytoecia affinis
Gaurotes virginea
Judolia sp.
Grammoptera ruficornis
Alosterna tabacicolor
Molorchus minor
Molorchus minor
Molorchus minor
Agapanthia intermedia
Phymatodes testaceus
Phymatodes testaceus
Stenurella nigra
Anaglyptus mysticus
Dinoptera collaris
Clytus arietis
Asemum striatum
Cerambyx scopolii
Stenurella nigra
Cerambyx scopolii
Rhagium mordax
Plagionotus arcuatus
Anaglyptus mysticus
Pyrrhidium sanguineum
Mesosa nebulosa
Dinoptera collaris
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