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Bembidion quadripustulatum
Sparedrus testaceus
Noctua fimbriata
Phalera bucephala
Lathrobium sp.
Lathrobium brunnipes
Brachygluta sp.
Ennomos erosaria
Comibaena bajularia
Chaetopteroplia sp.
Lycaena dispar
Melanargia galathea
Clerus mutillarius
Chrysobothris affinis
Agrilus hastulifer
Oreina sp.
Carterocephalus palaemon
Chrysolina polita
Cassida vibex
Smaragdina affinis
Oxythyrea funesta
Pyrochroa coccinea
Oxythyrea funesta
Cryptocephalus sp.
Tomoxia bucephala
Sphinx pinastri
Hyles euphorbiae
Chrysocramboides craterella
Myrmeleon formicarius
Stegana mehadiae
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