One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you.
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Anthaxia morio
Anaglyptus mysticus
Meloe violaceus
Notiophilus biguttatus
Clerus mutillarius
Plagionotus arcuatus
Anthaxia salicis
Anthaxia salicis
Pyrrhidium sanguineum
Lilioceris merdigera
Metriotes lutarea
Rhagium bifasciatum
Otiorhynchus ligustici
Tropinota hirta
Tropinota hirta
Rhynchites bacchus
Dorcadion aethiops
Phytoecia pustulata
Phytoecia scutellata
Amata phegea
Nagusta goedelii
Orthosia cerasi
Diurnea fagella
Drymonia ruficornis
Plutella xylostella
Acleris cristana
Panolis flammea
Lepismachilis y-signata
Ypsolopha mucronella
Carabus intricatus
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