One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you.
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Spilosoma lubricipeda
Perizoma alchemillata
Agapeta hamana
Spondylis buprestoides
Alydus calcaratus
Phragmatobia fuliginosa
Metopius fuscipennis
Stictoleptura rubra
Pentatoma rufipes
Miramella alpina
Phaeostigma notata
Oedemera virescens
Trichius fasciatus
Stenurella melanura
Panorpa communis
Stictoleptura rubra
Stictoleptura rubra
Otiorhynchus gemmatus
Metopius sp.
Temnocerus sp.
Stagonomus venustissimus
Philaenus spumarius
Alydus calcaratus
Baudia sp.
Speudotettix subfusculus
Eurhadina pulchella
Macropsini sp.
Axinotarsus ruficollis
Deraeocoris lutescens
Orthotylus sp.
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