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Hydropsyche sp.
Ledra aurita
Judolia erratica
Paracorymbia fulva
Paracorymbia fulva
Leptura aurulenta
Protaetia cuprea ssp. obscura
Rhagium mordax
Gnorimus variabilis
Leiopus sp.
Lucanus cervus
Lepismachilis y-signata
Zygaena carniolica
Cordulegaster bidentata
Calopteryx virgo
Judolia erratica
Zygaena viciae
Lacinius dentiger
Polyommatinae sp.
Osmylus fulvicephalus
Xysticus bifasciatus
Helicosmia sp.
Coenagrion puella
Lepismachilis rozsypali
Nemophora degeerella
Issus coleoptratus
Lepismachilis sp.
Dolichovespula media
Dolichovespula media
Epiphragma ocellare
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