One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you.
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All my images on
Malachius bipustulatus
Andrena danuvia
Clerus mutillarius
Protapion fulvipes
Thomisus onustus
Dicranotropis sp.
Dorytomus longimanus
Neottiura suaveolens
Zygaena loti
Phyllobius betulinus
Valgus hemipterus
Cardiophorus sp.
Anaspis frontalis
Polyommatus bellargus
Dasytes sp.
Dichrostigma flavipes
Clytus arietis
Rhagium mordax
Anaglyptus mysticus
Mesosa curculionoides
Noctuidae sp.
Gibbaranea gibbosa
Rhagium inquisitor
Rhagium inquisitor
Sycophila sp.
Barypeithes sp.
Tanytarsini sp.
Melolontha melolontha
Ancylis unculana
Cortodera femorata
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